Thursday, October 7, 2010

College So Far

I haven't posted in a while, but I have been REALLY busy with school. I have posted all of my works from school so far on my Facebook page:!/album.php?aid=30809&id=129404597089997

But in this post are a be a few of my favorites so far :)
The photos aren't so good, but I don't have a scanner and most of these are rather large in real life. I hope you enjoy :)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

So very very busy

I have been super busy the last few weeks packing for college and getting things ready to move, so I'm sorry I haven't been posting updates on my artwork. I have finished the owl painting and I have pictures I just haven't posted them yet. I also have started on a new painting for my mom's birthday gift. It is going to be an abstract representation of jellyfish. We had some paintings up in the gallery like that and my mother expressed interest. If I had a spare $2000 lying around I would just buy one for her but as it turns out I don't have that much money lying around but I do have quite a bit of paint laying around. So the background for that is started and I will post pictures of it later. I am also working on finishing a piece that I started about two years ago for my mom. It should hopefully be finished sometime here soon. I will post pictures I promise.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Still Life Finished

This is the still life which I posted an WIP picture of towards the end of June. It is finished, FINALLY!! This took a lot of patience and on my half, and a lot of putting up with my frustrations on Shane's half. He's right though I can see in the scan that there is a lot that could be fixed. For the time being though, I am pleased with it. This is the best thing I have ever done in charcoal, and one of the only things I have ever done in charcoal.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

A Blue Owl

I have been working diligently on my owls today and have accomplished a lot on the blue owl. For the most part, the blue owl is done. I only need to add a few finishing details which will be added at a later date when the rest of the painting is at the point that the blue owl is at now. I am really looking forward to the end result on this painting. The yellow owl still needs quite a bit of love and affection before it will be at the same point that the blue owl is at now.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Owl Painting Update

The photoshop color test for these wild colored owls that I am about to paint for my friend. I think the colors work really well together. Hopefully this piece will prove to be easier to paint for real than they were to paint on photoshop. (Odds are they will be harder though xP) Greatly looking forward to this painting.

Monday, June 28, 2010

AP Drawing Quality Works

I received my AP Drawing 5 Quality works back in the mail today. Still no sign of my AP Design 5 Quality works, but I am keeping my eyes open. I also still have not received scores. I am keeping my finger's crossed and hoping desperately that I have passed. Wish me luck :)

Friday, June 25, 2010

Still Life Lesson

A still life drawing I am working on in my lessons with Shane and Sara Scribner. Gosh this thing is so amazingly difficult. I love it, but my goodness that metal creamer is a PAIN!!!! This is the second sketch, the first one didn't make it past the rough sketch. I still need to do the glass, but I will most likely be working on that on Monday or Tuesday of next week. I am so excited to finish this because it is soo different from most of the things that I have done, and I am learning SOOOOOO much from the Scribners. I feel like I will have a jump start on college.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Today marks the beginning of a new piece of artwork. I am going to Lowes here in a bit to buy a new wood panel, and then I am going to begin working on a painting of owls. Such beautiful creatures, I know I am going to have fun with this project.
Now if I could just get ahold of the person who is commissioning it to find out how she would like them colored. I am torn between neutral colors of browns, creams, and whites, or vibrant vivid colors that are totally off the map. I currently need to go get the wood panel it is going to be on and sketch it out!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Octopus is FINALLY Completed!

Today I finished my Octopus painting for my dorm room this fall. I am very pleased with how it turned out. This piece took me about a month to complete, but probably only 24-30 hours of comprehensive work. I want to thank Sara and Shane Scribner for the tips and pointers on the painting, anatomy, and color of my octopus. Much fun was had by all on this piece I do believe. I can't wait until this fall when I get to hang it up in my room :)
"The Octopus"
2'x2' Oak panel; Water based oil paints.


If you are interested in commissioning me or have any questions you can email me at or call me at 580-478-5300.

Jewelry/ 3D Art


Drawing Art

Design Art